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Release v0.3.0

This release includes additional performance improvements, including

  • Use of per thread default stream to make more efficient use of the GPU
  • Further supporting Spark’s adaptive query execution, with more rewritten query plans now able to run on the GPU
  • Performance improvements for reading small Parquet files
  • RAPIDS Shuffle with UCX updated to UCX 1.9.0

New functionality for the release includes

  • Parquet reading for lists and structs,
  • Lead/lag for windows, and
  • Greatest/least operators

The release is supported on Apache Spark 3.0.0, 3.0.1, Databricks 7.3 ML LTS and Google Cloud Platform Dataproc 2.0.

The list of all supported operations is provided here.

For a detailed list of changes, please refer to the CHANGELOG.

Hardware Requirements:

GPU Architecture: NVIDIA Pascal™ or better (Tested on V100, T4 and A100 GPU)

Software Requirements:

OS: Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04 or CentOS 7

CUDA & Nvidia Drivers: 10.1.2 & v418.87+, 10.2 & v440.33+ or 11.0 & v450.36+

Apache Spark 3.0, 3.0.1, Databricks 7.3 ML LTS Runtime, or GCP Dataproc 2.0 

Apache Hadoop 2.10+ or 3.1.1+ (3.1.1 for nvidia-docker version 2)

Python 3.6+, Scala 2.12, Java 8 

Download v0.3.0

Release v0.2.0

This is the second release of the RAPIDS Accelerator for Apache Spark. Adaptive Query Execution SPARK-31412 is a new enhancement that was included in Spark 3.0 that alters the physical execution plan dynamically to improve the performance of the query. The RAPIDS Accelerator v0.2 introduces Adaptive Query Execution (AQE) for GPUs and leverages columnar processing SPARK-32332 starting from Spark 3.0.1.

Another enhancement in v0.2 is improvement in reading small Parquet files. This feature takes into account the scenario where input data can be stored across many small files. By leveraging multiple CPU threads v0.2 delivers up to 6x performance improvement over the previous release for small Parquet file reads.

The RAPIDS Accelerator introduces a beta feature that accelerates Spark shuffle for GPUs. Accelerated shuffle makes use of high bandwidth transfers between GPUs (NVLink or p2p over PCIe) and leverages RDMA (RoCE or Infiniband) for remote transfers.

The list of all supported operations is provided here.

For a detailed list of changes, please refer to the CHANGELOG.

Hardware Requirements:

GPU Architecture: NVIDIA Pascal™ or better (Tested on V100, T4 and A100 GPU)

Software Requirements:

OS: Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04 or CentOS 7

CUDA & Nvidia Drivers: 10.1.2 & v418.87+, 10.2 & v440.33+ or 11.0 & v450.36+

Apache Spark 3.0, 3.0.1

Apache Hadoop 2.10+ or 3.1.1+ (3.1.1 for nvidia-docker version 2)

Python 3.x, Scala 2.12, Java 8 

Download v0.2.0

Release v0.1.0

Hardware Requirements:

GPU Architecture: NVIDIA Pascal™ or better (Tested on V100 and T4 GPU)

Software Requirements:

OS: Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04 or CentOS 7
(RHEL 7 support is provided through CentOS 7 builds/installs)

CUDA & NVIDIA Drivers: 10.1.2 & v418.87+ or 10.2 & v440.33+

Apache Spark 3.0
Apache Hadoop 2.10+ or 3.1.1+ (3.1.1 for nvidia-docker version 2)

Python 3.x, Scala 2.12, Java 8 

Download v0.1.0